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About the equine Dentist

DR. Akruti Choksi is a dental surgeon from Mumbai (BDS) who went on to follow her passion and love for animals, to become India's 1st Equine Dental Technician.

Dr. Choksi went to New Zealand to learn equine dentistry from one of the finest Equine dentists Warwick Behrns, and his team. Behrns is a certified advance member of International Association of Equine Dentistry and a member of Equine Dental Providers of America and has a work experience of over 35 years of working in different parts of the world. Training in New Zealand, has given Dr Choksi a chance to work on various different breeds of horses.


Horses have continuously erupting teeth, that become sharp. Their teeth require correct shaping according to their natural contours. Younger horses sometimes have pain due to ex-foliating primary teeth ( milk teeth) , as well as wolf teeth that would require extraction. Dentistry helps the horses to comfortable with the bit. As per the age and particular case of each horse the dental technician can choose power or hand tools that would be best suited.

When does your horse need dentistry done

    All domesticated horses required dentistry from the age of 2 yrs and 8 months ,at least once a year .

    when they don't put on condition or put on excess weight.

    when they seem to be badly behaved or uncomfortable on the bit or are unable to focus of their performance .

    when you notice signs in your horse such as head shaking or nodding, quadding ( spitting out chewed hay or grass) or packing food in between their cheeks and teeth, bad odour from the mouth or nose.

How does good dentistry help

    Good condition and health

    Decrease in the chance of colics

    Better performance and better behaviour

    Reduction in feed and vet bills

    Younger looking horses with a larger life span
